
Le groupe Casino veut mutualiser ses SI--Organisat

Le distributeur stéphanois Casino a annoncé aujourd'hui un projet de réorganisation visant à mutualiser les fonctions support entre ses chaînes d'hypermarchés et ses supermarchés (Franprix, Leader Price) en France. Présenté à la fin novembre aux instances de représentant du personnel, le plan prévoit notamment la création d'un comité de direction unique pour les fonctions support, dont l'IT. Avec pour objectif de dégager des "synergies" sur les actions de promotion,nike shox pas cher, la politique de fidélisation,prada chaussure, les assortiments, etc. Autant de points clefs fortement liés aux applicatifs métier du distributeur.

Si le regroupement semble aussi viser l'amélioration de l'efficacité de la supply chain (où le distributeur a mis en place le progiciel Gold d'Aldata), l'opération paraît cibler particulièrement la fidélisation client. Sur ce terrain, signalons que le groupe stéphanois a signé, il y a trois ou quatre ans,ugg prix, un accord de partenariat exclusif avec la société anglaise spécialisée dans le marketing Dunnhumby,tn air, qui fait suite à un projet pilote lancé en novembre 2005. Dunnhumby s'est fait un nom avec le système de fidélité Clubcard grâce auquel, en partie,pascal coste, Tesco est devenu numéro un de la grande distribution en Grande-Bretagne, en lieu et place de Sainsbury. Objectif affiché alors par Casino : mettre en place les algorithmes permettant d'interpréter les données sous lesquelles "croulait" le distributeur, selon les termes de son Pdg à l'époque.

Dans son communiqué du jour, Casino explique : "le partenariat avec Dunnhumby a constitué un atout important dans la stratégie de commerce de précision du groupe, en lui permettant d’analyser les comportements d’achat de ses clients et de construire une offre commerciale adaptée à chaque type de client, au niveau de chaque magasin". Dunnhumby a fait sa réputation sur la segmentation fine des bases de clients.

Résultats - Logica profite de la force de l'outso

Avec un recul de son chiffre d'affaires limité à 3 % sur l'année à périmètre constant (à 4,1 Md€) Logica signe une année 2009 certes peu enthousiasmante, mais aussi relativement solide. La décroissance enregistrée par le Britannique reste ainsi légèrement inférieure à celle d'Atos-Origin ou à celle de Capgemini. Comme déjà signalé au cours de l'année,fer ghd, la santé de la SSII doit beaucoup à sa branche outsourcing (37 % de l'ensemble de l'activité) qui progresse de 9 %, tandis que les activités plus cycliques de conseil et d'intégration accusent, elles, un recul de 10 %. La marge opérationnelle du groupe reste, elle, quasi-stable à 7,nike shox noir,4 %. Autre facteur de "résistance" : la baisse de la Livre Sterling, monnaie dans laquelle Logica publie ses comptes annuels.

En France, la SSII termine l'année avec un chiffre d'affaires de 873 M€, soit une décroissance de 2 % sur un an. Ce qui témoigne d'une fin d'année assez dynamique. A l'automne la filiale connaissait une décroissance de 5 %. De facto, selon Logica, la France a retrouvé le chemin de la croissance en fin d'année, portée notamment par la signature du contrat ONP (Opérateur National de Paie). La marge,louboutin paris, en léger recul,vibram france, y atteint 7,5 %. Fruit du rachat d'Unilog, l'implantation du groupe dans l'Hexagone - seconde géographie de Logica derrière les pays nordiques - est notamment portée par la progression de l'outsourcing, qui gagne 19 % par rapport à 2008.

En Grande-Bretagne, où Logica progresse de 6 % sur un an, l'activité est soutenue par le relatif dynamisme du secteur public, qui pèse plus de 60 % du total. Un risque pour la SSII, le gouvernement britannique ayant manifesté sa volonté de réduire ses dépenses IT. "Nous nous attendons à un ralentissement des prises de décision du secteur public britannique en 2010", reconnaît d'ailleurs Logica dans un communiqué. Avant d'ajouter : "Malgré les pressions des gouvernements européens pour réduire les dépenses, nous continuons à détecter des opportunités à moyen terme pour réduire les coûts via l'outsourcing".

Le groupe s'attend à une première moitié de 2010 toujours en décroissance, mais à un exercice qui, au global, devrait afficher une stabilité par rapport à l'année écoulée. Fin 2009, Logica employait 38 800 personnes environ, 1 100 de moins qu'un an auparavant. "Ce recul est avant tout le résultat de nos actions pour réduire les effectifs non facturables",ghd lisseur, précise la société. En France, les effectifs se sont allégés de 250 personnes (à 8 880). Et 13 % des effectifs de la SSII sont désormais localisés dans des pays low cost.

Techdays 2010 - Hitachi Data Systems propose une s

Hitachi Data Systems (HDS), la division stockage d'entreprise du Japonais Hitachi, a profité de la conférence utilisateurs française de Microsoft pour présenter sa solution de continuité et de reprise après désastre pour l'environnement virtuel Hyper-V 2.0 de Microsoft,louboutin shoes, Hitachi Storage Cluster - lancé initialement pour la version 1.0 d'Hyper-V en 2009.

Comme toute bonne solution de continuité venant d'un grand du stockage,basket air jordan, Hitachi Storage Cluster pour Hyper-V, s'appuie sur les solutions de réplication de données maison (TrueCopy, True Copy Extended Distance ou Hitachi Universal Replicator) ce qui permet aux administrateurs de répliquer leurs données de façon synchrone ou asynchrone entre sites dispersés. Mais ce qui différencie vraiment Hitachi Storage Cluster de ses concurents est l'intégration avec l'environnement d'administration d'Hyper-V pour assurer la cohérence entre les fonctions de réplication et les fonctions de migration de VM qu'offre Hyper-V (et notamment la bascule automatisée et transparente des ressources disques pour les VM). En schématisant, on peut ainsi dire que Hitachi Storage Cluster ajoute à Hyper-V des fonctions similaires à celles de Site Recovery Manager pour VMware

Intégrée à l'environnement d'administration des machines virtuelles de Microsoft,mbt odeon, Hitachi Storage Cluster permet d'initier le failover transparent des machines virtuelles situés sur un site primaire vers le site de secours en cas d'incident (et accessoirement le Fail Back,louboutin, après retour à la normale et resynchronisation des baies). Cette intégration a d'ailleurs été montrée par la firme conjointement avec Microsoft et la Maaf. La mutuelle a en effet adopté la solution pour assurer la continuite de ses environnements virtualisés sous Hyper-V R2 entre ses deux sites principaux.

Il est à noter que la solution d'Hitachi fonctionne à la fois avec les baies haut de gamme de la série USP-V (Universal Storage Platform) et avec les baies modulaires AMS (Adaptable Modular Storage).


Slots Myth: Whoever operates the machines can change the win/loss ratio

So, the House makes its profit ― that’s why they’re in business. If we want them to provide the opportunity to gamble, we need them to stay in business! Before you start playing, read the pay tables. Pick the slots that gives you best payback. Here’s where a little math comes in handy. You shouldn’t play any virtual machine that offers a payback of less than 95%. In the real world, casinos have very big overheads. Think of all that floor space and then all the staff, the power bills, and so on. When you go to play online slots, the operator’s overheads are a fraction of those in the real world. That means an online operator can make a good return on money invested and give you a higher rate of winnings than you could ever get in the real world!
     In the real world, machine operators would have to reprogram every machine on the floor. Most of the big casinos are open round the clock. It would be very bad PR if operators were seen walking round the casino changing,tiffany milano the odds every time someone hit the jackpot. With the latest wireless technology, it would be possible to reprogram every slot machine without anyone detecting it. But that doesn’t happen. Because of the security risks, all the algorithms are hard-wired so that no-one who cracks the wifi protocols can rig the machines.
      Once the odds are set, the casino lives with them. Anything else would either look bad, expose the casinos to loss (you wouldn’t like it if they went out of business) or,ghd platinum, in some countries, be a criminal offence. In the USA,Ugg botas, the Nevada regulations which are adopted widely,ray ban zonnebrillen, require the RNG to work randomly with the software tested by regulatory authorities. Trying to shade the odds to change the probabilities in favour of the House is not allowed. The reputable online casinos are the same. The payout percentages are set within a range that is fair to both sides. Any change would be have to be approved by the online regulatory bodies.

Strategies of playing online poker

The first enormous difference that applied in poker strategy is when it is applied in tourney from when it is applied in ring games.  And also the poker strategy and poker chips purchase varies a lot in playing poker online and in a real time brick and motor. Most of the online card rooms tend to draw an upper limit on the number of stakes that one can purchase in a day’s play.  The poker strategy for any player should be done with giving a consideration to the betting allowed and the size of the stakes that a layer has for the day in a tourney or a ring game.      
  Poker strategy that has lot of aggression in it might not be bankroll friendly in cases where the player is betting within limits and is sticking on to building the bank roll by winning play money.  Poker strategy with aggression can be supported by making additional deposits; however, that can be a temptation gambling plan much against responsible gambling ethics. However anyone that is a high limit player, should contact create a bankroll that is suitable for it so that the poker strategy is not hurdled by having to play high limits with less number of stakes.    
  Deposit limit are something that will affect both poker strategy you play and also the limit that you are able to play with it.  The most successful player can play very aggressively or something they can apply the wrong poker strategy by going too high beyond their online bankroll,louis vuitton tassen, which can in some cases cause the player to go broke and without action or no choice for even the last rebuy.  This can happen in most of the aggression poker strategy where the bettor will put themselves in the wrong action of high bets which is quite a common, yet critical mistake.    
  If the online bankroll is limited, it is very important to device poker strategy accordingly.  And it is always best to avoid poker strategy that is demanding high chips for betting. Sometimes it can be tempting to play beyond bankroll because the winning might be tempting; however,calzado mbt, it is important to sacrifice such winning as a mark of controlled gambling behavior.    
  Obviously, this kind of controlled poker strategy within bankroll can be difficult to follow,air max, but as time and bankroll improves slowly,manolo blahnik, the high betting you miss today might become a second behavior because your bankroll and skill would have survived and advanced to be the best and strong to face the competitive high bettors.    
  Hi readers,  I am Mortis and my hobby is writing articles.  I have written lots of articles on  types of poker. In these Article shared and wrote some experience of poker variants. i always play online poker whenever i have some free time.  

A Residual Income Can Be Easy To Develop

If anyone wishes to retire on a secure residual income, they must have first spent many years aquiring the means required to retire securely. This may have taken the form of an annuity or pension in the past, but today enterprising entrepreneurs are turning to the MLM Industry to provide themselves,tiffany roma with a secure residual income.

The MLM Business as a platform to create residual income is what this article is a about. It is reported that 95% of the people who start an MLM business fail. The main reasons for this is that most distributors underestimate the time needed to build a residual income and run out of seed capital to fund future growth.

Since most people don't have enough capital to start a business,nike air max 90, another mode of operation must be used to guarantee success. This mode of operation must take into account the time needed to grow the business, even eliminating the concern for additional capital to obtain sustained growth.

The idea of a "funded proposal" has been used for years by the MLM guru's. They just don't make this concept widely known. The concept is really quite easy to impliment. Using this one idea will eliminate anyone's need to continue funding their MLM Business so it will grow.

Any way a product is marketed or sold which pays for itself is considered a "funded proposal". Many Big Mlm operators draw you into their sales funnel first by offering for example an inexpensive training course on MLM. They then take all the leads generated from the sale of the training course and offer them the opportunity to join in their MLM endeavor.

A "funded proposal" is the key to your success. It allows you get all the free,piastra ghd, targeted MLM Leads you could ever possibly need as well as make a small income to boot! Why worry about how long it takes your MLM Business to grow when you can turn on a constant steady flow of leads to to your business? You will never have to reinvest capital to grow your business.

Think of using a "funded proposal" as "Indirect Marketing". You rarely advertise the MLM Oportunity Directly, you use the list aquired from your "funded proposal", to do that. It is the same principle a good mailorder company uses. They will sell you one product, and "backend" another.

In my opinion,mbt scarpe prezzi, there is no easier way to build a secure residual income than with a "funded proposal".

Strategies of playing online poker

The first enormous difference that applied in poker strategy is when it is applied in tourney from when it is applied in ring games.  And also the poker strategy and poker chips purchase varies a lot in playing poker online and in a real time brick and motor. Most of the online card rooms tend to draw an upper limit on the number of stakes that one can purchase in a day’s play.  The poker strategy for any player should be done with giving a consideration to the betting allowed and the size of the stakes that a layer has for the day in a tourney or a ring game.      
  Poker strategy that has lot of aggression in it might not be bankroll friendly in cases where the player is betting within limits and is sticking on to building the bank roll by winning play money.  Poker strategy with aggression can be supported by making additional deposits; however, that can be a temptation gambling plan much against responsible gambling ethics. However anyone that is a high limit player, should contact create a bankroll that is suitable for it so that the poker strategy is not hurdled by having to play high limits with less number of stakes.    
  Deposit limit are something that will affect both poker strategy you play and also the limit that you are able to play with it.  The most successful player can play very aggressively or something they can apply the wrong poker strategy by going too high beyond their online bankroll,louis vuitton tassen, which can in some cases cause the player to go broke and without action or no choice for even the last rebuy.  This can happen in most of the aggression poker strategy where the bettor will put themselves in the wrong action of high bets which is quite a common, yet critical mistake.    
  If the online bankroll is limited, it is very important to device poker strategy accordingly.  And it is always best to avoid poker strategy that is demanding high chips for betting. Sometimes it can be tempting to play beyond bankroll because the winning might be tempting; however,calzado mbt, it is important to sacrifice such winning as a mark of controlled gambling behavior.    
  Obviously, this kind of controlled poker strategy within bankroll can be difficult to follow,air max, but as time and bankroll improves slowly,manolo blahnik, the high betting you miss today might become a second behavior because your bankroll and skill would have survived and advanced to be the best and strong to face the competitive high bettors.    
  Hi readers,  I am Mortis and my hobby is writing articles.  I have written lots of articles on  types of poker. In these Article shared and wrote some experience of poker variants. i always play online poker whenever i have some free time.